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- 建设项目审批制度改革类
- 北京市规划和自然资源委员会印发《关于优化北京市自然灾害恢复重建相关房建类项目实施和审批办理程序的意见(试行)》的函-京规自函〔2023〕1701号2024-03-12
- 关于印发《“交地即交证”改革工作方案》的通知-京规自发〔2023〕34号2024-03-12
- 关于印发《北京市工程建设项目审批流程图(2023年修订版)》的通知2023-08-29
- 关于建立我市工程勘察地质信息查询服务平台的通知-京规自发〔2022〕97号2022-08-04
- Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on Establishing Beijing Engineering-geological Survey Information Inquiry Service Platform-Jing Gui Zi Fa [2022] No.972022-08-04
- 北京市规划和自然资源委员会 北京市公安局关于调整门楼牌编制工作的通知(试行)-京规自发〔2022〕88号2022-08-04
- Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources and Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau on Standardizing the Door and Building Numbering System (Trial)2022-08-04
- Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on the Assessment of Major Mineral Resources Covered by Regional Construction Projects-Jing Gui Zi Han [2022] No. 5512022-08-04
- 关于印发《北京市工程建设项目“清单制+告知承诺制”审批改革试点实施方案》的通知-京工改办〔2020〕1号2020-08-20
- Circular on Issuing the Opinions on Combining the Application for Planning Permit and Construction Permit of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investment-Jing Gui Zi Fa [2020] No. 2422020-07-08
- Notice on the Implementation of Notification Commitment System to Handle the Planning Permit for Privately-Invested Low-Risk Projects-Jing Gui Zi Fa [2021] No. 3832022-09-07
- 北京市规划和自然资源委员会 关于推行集体建设用地零星公共公益项目 乡村规划许可告知承诺制的通知-京规自发〔2022〕99号2022-08-04
- Notice by Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on the Implementation of the Requirement Notification and Compliance Commitment Mechanism for Granting Rural Planning Permits to Small-Scale Public Welfare Projects Using Collective Construction Land2022-08-04
- 关于进一步优化我市社会投资低风险工程建设项目全程网办的通知(京工改办〔2021〕1号)2021-04-08
- Circular of Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on Trial Implementation of the Notification and Commitment System for Construction Permits of Small-Scale and Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-Government Investment Jing Jian Fa [2020] No. 2452020-08-31
- 关于社会投资低风险小型建设项目施工许可试行告知承诺制的通知-京建发〔2020〕245号2020-08-31
- Circular on Issuing the Opinions on Combining the Application for Planning Permit and Construction Permit of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investment-Jing Gui Zi Fa [2020] No. 2422020-07-08
- 关于印发《社会投资简易低风险工程建设项目规划许可施工许可合并办理的意见》的通知-京规自发〔2020〕242号2020-07-03
- Jing Fa Gai [2020] No. 238-Regulation on Further Improving the Work Related to Simple and Low-risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investment2020-02-27
- 关于进一步做好社会投资简易低风险工程建设项目有关工作的通知-京发改[2020]238号2020-02-25
- 关于深化工程建设项目“多测合一” 改革的通知-京规自发〔2022〕183号2022-08-05
- Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources, Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and Beijing Municipal Civil Air Defence Office on Deepening the Reform of "Integrated Surveying and Mapping" for Engineering Construction Projects2022-08-05
- 北京市规划和自然资源委员会 关于印发《北京市建筑师负责制项目应用指南》的通知-京规自发〔2022〕166号2022-08-05
- Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on Issuing the Guidelines on Applying Architect Accountability System in Relevant Projects in Beijing2022-08-05
- 北京市规划和自然资源委员会关于推行建设工程规划许可证(社会投资房屋建筑工程)全程网办的通知-京规自发〔2022〕143号2022-08-05
- Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources Circular on Promotion of Whole-Course Online Handling of Application for Planning Permit for Construction Projects (Housing Construction Projects with Non-governmental Investment)2022-08-05
- Circular of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on Issuing the Opinions on the Implementation of Architect Responsibility System for Low-Risk Construction Projects(Jing Gui Zi Fa [2021] No. 133)2021-04-28
- 关于进一步优化我市社会投资低风险工程建设项目“多测合一”工作的通知(京规自发〔2021〕137号)2021-04-27
- 关于印发《低风险工程建设项目推行建筑师负责制的意见》的通知(京规自发〔2021〕133号)2021-04-27
- Circular on Further Optimization of Whole-Process Online Processing of Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-Government Investment in Beijing -Jing Gong Gai Ban [2021] No.12021-04-09
- Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Notice on the Simultaneous Handling of Joint Final Acceptance and Real Estate Registration for Socially-invested Low-risk Construction Projects in Beijing2022-08-05
- Circular on Printing and Issuing the Interim Procedures of Beijing Municipality for Administration of Joint Final Inspection of Housing Construction and Municipal Infrastructure Projects(Jing Jian Fa [2020] No. 10)2020-11-19
- 关于印发《北京市房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程竣工联合验收管理暂行办法》的通知(京建法〔2020〕10号)2020-11-18
- 关于印发《北京市房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程竣工联合验收管理暂行办法》的通知(京建法〔2020〕10号)2020-11-18
- Jing Jian Fa [2020] No. 80-Circular on Further Streamlining Joint Acceptance of Final Completion of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-Government Investment2020-03-27
- Jing Gui Zi Fa [2019] No. 435-Supplementary Regulation on Improving the Whole-process Service Supervision Work for Simple and Low-risk Construction Projects2019-11-30
- 关于北京市建设工程消防验收、备案及抽查审批服务平台上线运行的通知-京建发〔2019〕300号2019-06-25
- Jing Gui Zi Fa〔2019〕No. 170-Regulation on Implementing the Whole-process Service Supervision Work for Construction Projects2019-05-06
- 关于印发《关于进一步推进北京市建设工程竣工联合验收改革的实施意见》的通知-京审改办发〔2019〕3号2019-04-28
- Jing Jian Fa〔2019〕No. 146-Regulations on the Activation of the Electronic Seals for the Opinion of Joint Acceptance2019-03-29
- 北京市规划和自然资源委员会等五部门关于印发《北京市建设工程勘察设计质量告知承诺制实施办法(试行)》《北京市建设工程勘察设计质量联合抽查实施办法(试行)》《北京市建设工程勘察设计质量信用管理办法(试行)》的通知2022-09-08
- Notice of 5 Authorities including the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on issuing the implementation measures for the survey and design quality of construction projects2022-09-07
- 北京市规划和自然资源委员会等五部门关于印发《北京市关于深化建设工程施工图审查制度改革实施方案》的通知2022-09-06
- Notice by Five Ministries including Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on Issuing the Implementation Plan on Deepening the Reform of the Review System over Shop Drawings2022-09-06
- Circular of Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on Enhancing Quality and Safety Supervision and Inspection for Low-risk Construction Projects(Jing Jian Fa [2021] No. 120)2021-04-17
- Circular on Printing and Issuing the Interim Procedures for the Administration of Latent Defects Insurance for Construction Projects for Which it is Permitted not to Engage Supervising Company(Jing Jian Fa [2020] No. 257)2020-09-10
- 北京市可不聘用工程监理建设项目工程质量潜在缺陷保险暂行管理办法(京建发〔2020〕257号)2020-09-09
- Jing Gui Zi Fa [2020] No. 157-Circular on Issuing the Measures for Credit Management of Survey and Design Quality for Low-Risk Projects2020-04-30
- Jing Jian Fa [2020] No. 43-Circular on Further Clarifying the Quality and Safety Supervision and Inspection During the Construction of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects2020-02-21
- 北京市住房和城乡建设委员会关于印发《北京市房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程质量风险分级管控技术指南(试行)》的通知-京建发[2019]438号2019-12-20
- 北京市深化工程建设项目审批制度改革领导小组办公室关于印发《北京市工程建设项目“清单制+告知承诺制”审批改革试点实施方案》的通知——京工改办〔2020〕1号2020-08-21
- 北京市人防工程建设项目审批制度改革试点实施方案2019-12-23
- 关于规范“多规合一”协同平台运行做好市政交通基础设施规划实施有关工作的通知-京规自发[2019]396号2019-10-16
- 关于印发北京市固定资产投资项目节能审查承诺制试点实施方案(试行)的通知-京发改规〔2019〕3 号2019-08-13
- 关于将燃气接人“三零”服务纳入新建社会投资简易低风险工程建设项目审批服务的通知-京管发[2019]90号2019-07-22
- 关于深化招投标领域“放管服”改革优化营商环境的通知-京发改[2019]691号2019-05-15
- Jing Gui Zi Fa〔2019〕No. 170-Regulation on Implementing the Whole-process Service Supervision Work for Construction Projects2019-05-06
- 关于新建社会投资简易低风险工程建设项目工作衔接事项的通知-京规自发[2019]162号2019-05-05
- 关于新建社会投资简易低风险工程建设项目规划用地钉桩条件工作规则(试行)的通知-京规自发[2019]154号2019-04-30
- 关于印发《北京市社会投资简易低风险工程建设项目“多测合一”工作实施细则》的通知-京规自发〔2019〕150号2019-04-28
- 一图读懂 | 工程建设领域营商环境6.0改革成效2024-03-28
- 一图读懂 | 《北京市城市更新条例》规划、土地政策创新2022-11-29
- 《北京市培育和激发市场主体活力持续优化营商环境实施方案》工程建设领域一图读懂2021-11-20
- 一图读懂 关于优化新建社会投资简易低风险工程建设项目审批服务的若干规定2019-05-12
- 工程建设领域改革案例集锦——昌平区2024-04-24
- 工程建设领域改革案例集锦——大兴区2024-04-23
- 工程建设领域改革案例集锦——通州区2024-04-19
- 工程建设领域改革案例集锦——门头沟区2024-04-18
- 工程建设领域改革案例集锦——石景山区2024-04-17
- 工程建设领域改革案例集锦——丰台区2024-04-16
- 工程建设领域改革案例集锦——海淀区2024-04-15
- 工程建设领域改革案例集锦——朝阳区2024-04-12
- 工程建设领域改革案例集锦——房山区2024-04-11
- 工程建设领域改革案例集锦——经开区2024-04-10
- 规划许可办事指南置顶
- 规划核验办事指南置顶
- 电子图件报审工具(市政报建版)2024-11-26
- 北京市建设工程规划许可证年度核发量查询2024-03-22
- 低风险工程建设项目“一表式”申请和受理指南2021-11-01
- 电子图纸报建工具(房建报建版)2021-04-01
- 勘察设计质量事后检查办事指南2020-02-13
- 工程勘察工作政府购买服务办事指南2020-02-13
- 简易低风险工程建设项目施工许可办理指南2020-02-12
- 简易低风险工程建设项目联合验收办事指南2020-02-12