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Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources Circular on Promotion of Whole-Course Online Handling of Application for Planning Permit for Construction Projects (Housing Construction Projects with Non-governmental Investment)

  • 日期:2022-08-05 09-35
  • 来源:北京市规划和自然资源委员会
  • 字号:

Jing Gui Zi Fa [2022] No. 134


To all branches, divisions & offices of relevant authorities and departments under Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources:

The circular on promotion of whole-course online handling of application for planning permit for construction projects (housing construction projects with non-governmental investment) across Beijing is hereby issued as follows, in order to further implement the policy of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to intensify the efforts in "delegating powers, improving regulation and optimizing services/streamlining administration and decentralizing powers, combining decentralization with appropriate control, and optimizing services" and improve and optimize business environment, promote the implementation of the Action Plan to Foster and Stimulate Vitality of Market Entities and Continuously Optimizing Business Environment in Beijing Municipality (Jing Zheng Ban Fa [2021] No.18), put an end to "off-book" fund operations, improve service efficiency, and continuously enhance business environment.

I. Reform Measure

The whole-course online handling of application for planning permit for construction projects (housing construction projects with non-governmental investment) across Beijing takes effect on March 21, 2022, as of which the application for and granting of the planning permit will go digital. If an applicant requests to submit paper application, offline application in paper will remain available and a paper planning permit will be granted accordingly as a remedy to facilitate a smooth transition from the introduction of the reform policy. The extension period of offline paper application depends upon the actual effect of the whole-course online handling policy, which is subject to further notice.

II. Application, Inquiry and Acquisition of Application Result

(I) Application website: access the Platform for Online Oversight of Investment Project Approval in Beijing Municipality (tzxm.beijing.gov.cn) directly or via the official website of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality.

(II) Application materials: constructors can access the guidelines for handling application of "planning permit of construction projects (housing construction projects with non-governmental investment) " on the website of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality and download the application form. Electronic materials submitted should meet the requirements in the Standards for Electronic Application of Construction Projects in Beijing (Trial) (Annex).

(III) Inquiring about and obtaining result: the constructor can inquire about the status of its application at "User Center" - "My Application" and click to download results of acceptance (notice of acceptance/non-acceptance and notice of submitting supplementary or corrected materials) and application (electronic licenses and decision of not granting the permit).

III. Handling Rules

Handling rules for offline application of the planning permit should be applicable to whole-course online handling of application of planning permit of construction projects (housing construction projects with non-governmental investment). In the meantime, special attention should be paid to the following:

(I) Acceptance.

1. The acceptance personnel should check regularly every day the "Online Applications" at the "Handling of Applications" section of the Platform for Online Oversight of Investment Project Approval in Beijing Municipality, promptly handle applications submitted online, and within the specified period, make decisions of acceptance/non-acceptance or request for submission of missing or correct materials .

2. If applicants have applied the permit at the service hall in person or send paper application materials by mail, and have submitted electronic materials in line with the format requirement of whole-course online handling, the acceptance personnel should help them to file applications online.

3. If applicants request to submit paper applications, the acceptance should be done according to the original procedure.

(II) Handling

After completing annexes required for an application of the permit, the acceptance personnel should send required images to the handling system before transferring the application to the reviewer.

(III) Production and issuing.

During permit production and issuing, careful attention should be paid to see if all electronic seals have been affixed in an accurate and legible manner. For planning permits issued by branches, the originals should be stamped with the official seal of the issuing branch at the name of the issuer and the "special seal of planning management" at the perforation; annexes should be stamped with the "special seal of planning management" in the middle of the opening title of "Annexes to the Planning Permit of Construction Project"; attached figures should be stamped on the blank space with the "special seal of planning management" and the "special seal for attached figure of the permit" with permit document number.

IV. Technical Support

The technical support department for the approval system used for whole-course online handling should step up efforts in operation maintenance to ensure stable and smooth operation of the system and timely remove technical problems occurred during use by constructors and branches. Technical support hotlines: 89150426/0427 (for problems related to online application) and 55594812 (for problems related to the tool for application of electronic drwings of planning permit).

All institutions concerned should further intensify the promotion of the reform policy, take the initiative to guide constructors to "go online as far as possible" during application, and increase the number of successful cases of online application. Branches can give timely feedback to the competent authority under the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources regarding obstacles in promotion of the reform policy.

The notification is hereby given.


Annex: Standards for Electronic Application of Construction Projects in Beijing (Trial)




Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources

April 26, 2022



Annex:Standards for Electronic Application of Construction Projects in Beijing