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Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on Issuing the Guidelines on Applying Architect Accountability System in Relevant Projects in Beijing

  • 日期:2022-08-05 11-24
  • 来源:北京市规划和自然资源委员会
  • 字号:

Jing Gui Zi Fa [2022] No.166


To all departments concerned:

To apply the trials to improve the business environment, expand the scope of piloting architect accountability system (hereinafter, the "System"), and address the difficulties in implementing reform policies in current piloting efforts, according to the Notice of Beijing Municipal People's Government on Issuing the Implementation Plan on Conducting Trails to Improve the Business Environment in Beijing (Jing Zheng Fa [2022] No.6) and the Guidelines on Piloting Architect Accountability System in Beijing (Jing Gui Zi Fa [2021] No.28) and other relevant documents, the Guidelines on Applying Architect Accountability System in Relevant Projects in Beijing are hereby formulated under our organization. It is hereby issued to you for thoroughly implementation.

Relevant supporting documents including the Sample Architect Service Contract and the Guidelines on Architect Service Fees can be downloaded from the Architect Accountability System columm on Beijing Municipality's Online Intermediary Service Trading Platform (http://zjfw.beijing.gov.cn/) on the website of The People's Government of Beijing Municipality.

The notice is hereby given.





May 27, 2022

Appendix Guidelines on Applying Architect Accountability System in Relevant Projects in Beijing