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Jing Fa Gai [2020] No. 238-Regulation on Further Improving the Work Related to Simple and Low-risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investment

  • 日期:2020-02-27 08-00
  • 来源:北京市规划和自然资源委员会
  • 字号:

Document of Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform

Jing Fa Gai [2020] No. 238


Regulation of Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform on Further Improving the Work Related to Simple and Low-risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investment

To all relevant organizations,

To provide examination and approval service for simple and low-risk construction projects with non-government investment, clarify the scope of projects, and simplify the examination and approval procedures, the relevant work is hereby notified as follows:

I. If a fixed assets investment project with foreign investment falls into the scope of the list of simple and low-risk projects, the approval shall be cancelled and the registration shall be made instead. The project shall be registered and coded according to the provisions for simple and low-risk projects. The specific project management shall be implemented in accordance with the Regulation on the Management of Simple and Low-risk Construction Projects with Foreign Investment(Jing Fa Gai [2020] No. 232).

II. If a fixed assets investment project funded by a central university, scientific research institute or a central enterprise falls into the scope of the list of simple and low-risk projects, the project shall be registered and coded according to the provisions for simple and low-risk projects.

III. A fixed assets investment project that falls into the scope of the list of simple and low-risk projects is exempted from energy conservation review.

IV. Bidding for simple and low-risk construction projects shall be conducted in accordance with the Provisions on Projects Subject to Tender(Decree No. 16 of 2018 of the National Development and Reform Commission). Where a project does not fall within the scope of the projects subject to tender according to the law, the enterprise may decide on its own how to award the contract.

The Regulation is hereby issued.

Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform

February 25, 2020

(Contact: Wang Danli, Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform; Tel.: 55590125)

Office of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform

Issued on February 26, 2020