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Notice of 5 Authorities including the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on issuing the implementation measures for the survey and design quality of construction projects

  • 日期:2022-09-07 15-21
  • 来源:北京市规划和自然资源委员会
  • 字号:

Jing Gui Zi Fa [2022] No. 236


Notice of 5 Authorities including the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on Issuing the Implementation Measures for the Requirement Notification and Compliance Commitment Mechanism for the Survey and Design Quality of Construction Projects in Beijing (Trial), the Implementation Measures for the Joint Spot Check on the Survey and Design Quality of Construction Projects in Beijing (Trial), and the Measures for the Credit Management of the Survey and Design Quality of Construction Projects in Beijing (Trial)


To all units concerned,

In order to thoroughly implement the work arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the reform of government functions, and optimizing the business environment, and in accordance with the requirements in the Implementation Plan on Deepening the Reform of the Review System over Shop Drawings of Construction Projects in Beijing (Jing Gui Zi Fa [2022] No. 194) to strengthen the entity responsibility of construction projects for quality, implement the Requirement Notification and Compliance Commitment Mechanism for the Survey and Design Quality, improve the work procedures of the ex post spot check, and establish a credit rating system for the survey and design quality in Beijing, the Implementation Measures for the Requirement Notification and Compliance Commitment Mechanism for the Survey and Design Quality of Construction Projects in Beijing (Trial), the Implementation Measures for the Joint Spot Check on the Survey and Design Quality of Construction Projects in Beijing (Trial), and the Measures for the Credit Management on the Survey and Design Quality of Construction Projects in Beijing (Trial) are promulgated jointly by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Beijing Municipal Civil Air Defense Office, the Beijing Communications Administration, and the Beijing Earthquake Agency, and are hereby issued to you for your earnest and thorough implementation.

The above is hereby noticed.


Annex 1. Implementation Measures for the Requirement Notification and Compliance Commitment Mechanism for the Survey and Design Quality of Construction Projects in Beijing (Trial)

Annex 2. Implementation Measures for the Joint Spot Check on the Survey and Design Quality of Construction Projects in Beijing (Trial)

Annex 3. Measures for the Credit Management on the Survey and Design Quality of Construction Projects in Beijing (Trial)






Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources

Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

Beijing Municipal Civil Air Defense Office

Beijing Communications Administration





Beijing Earthquake Agency

August 2, 2022


Annex 1

Annex 2

Annex 3