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Circular on Issuing the Opinions on Combining the Application for Planning Permit and Construction Permit of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investment-Jing Gui Zi Fa [2020] No. 242

  • 日期:2020-07-08 16-55
  • 来源:北京市规划和自然资源委员会
  • 字号:


Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources,

Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development,

Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform,

Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology,

Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau,

Beijing Municipal Administration of Government Services

Jing Gui Zi Fa [2020] No. 242

Circular on Issuing the Opinions on Combining the Application for Planning Permit and Construction Permit of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investment

The People’s Governments of all districts and all related commissions, offices and bureaus of Beijing Municipality,

With the approval of Beijing Municipal People’s Government, the Opinions on Combining the Application for Planning Permit and Construction Permit of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investmentis hereby issued to you and you are required to carry it out earnestly.

The Circular is hereby issued.

Appendix: Opinions on Combining the Application for Planning Permit and Construction Permit of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investment

Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources


Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development


Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform


Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology


Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau


Beijing Municipal Administration of Government Services


July 3, 2020

General Office of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources

Issued on July 8, 2020

Opinions on Combining the Application for Planning Permit and Construction Permit of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investment

In order to implement The Letter of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on the Pilot Reform of the Examination and Approval System of “List System + Notification Commitment System” for Construction Projects(Jian Fa Han [2019] No. 207) and taking into account the actual situation of reform of examination and approval for construction projects in Beijing, it is decided to combine the application for planning permit and construction permit of simple and low-risk construction projects with non-government investment and these Opinions are hereby formulated.

  1. For the new, renovation and extension projects that fall under the simple and low-risk construction project with non-government investment, the application for planning permit and construction permit can be combined. The applicants may apply with one form - Application Form for Handling of Construction Project (“One-Form” Acceptance for Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investment) (see Appendixes 1, 2 & 3) and deal with project filing, planning permit, tree relocation and/or cutting approval, and construction permit in one-time acceptance, parallel handling and one-time permit issuance, as well as synchronous application for municipal public utilities access and installation through “One-Stop Express” service system.

  2. Following the “One-Form” acceptance, the “One-Stop Express” system will send the relevant information to the authorities in planning and natural resources, development and reform, economy and information technology, gardening and greening, housing and urban-rural development, and municipal public utility companies, which shall deal with the respective business within their duties. The housing and urban-rural authority is notified of the results of handling the planning permit by the system.

  3. Following the “One-Form” acceptance, the total time limit for the stage shall be no more than six (6) working days. In particular, project filing, planning permit and tree relocation and/or cutting approval shall be in the form of parallel handling, with total time limit of no more than five (5) working days, i.e., half a (0.5) working day for approval of project filing and five (5) working days for approval of planning permit and tree relocation and/or cutting.

  4. The housing and urban-rural development authority shall complete the construction permit within one (1) working day after receiving the results of handling the planning permit by the system.  

  5. The documents issued at the stage of “One-Form” acceptance include the construction project planning permit showing construction project code issued by the planning and natural resources authority and the construction planning permit issued by the housing and urban-rural development authority; if tree relocation and/or cutting is needed, the tree cutting and/or relocation permit issued by the gardening and greening authority shall also be included. All relevant authorities send their respective permits through “One-Stop Express” system to the comprehensive-service window of government service agency, which will give the project owners (for electronic construction permit, the businesses can download and print by themselves).

  6. For the construction projects built on collectively owned land and those new, renovation and/or extension projects which have been accepted in “One-Stop Express” service system before these Opinions are promulgated, Circular on Printing and Distributing the Opinions on Improving the Examination and Approval Services for Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects (Jing Gui Zi Fa [2019] No. 439) shall be still followed.  

  7. These measures in the Circular shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.


  1. Application Form for Handling of Construction Project (state owned land)

  2. Application Form for Handling of Construction Project (collectively owned land)

  3. Application Form for Handling of Construction Project (information on property owner)

Application Form for Handling of Construction Project

(“One-Form” Acceptance for Simple and Low-Risk Construction Project with Non-government Investment)

  1. Basic Information of Applicant         Form for Urban Area SJ-123

    Land registration (ownership) entity (project legal entity)

    (official seal)

    Type of certificates of project legal entity

    Certificate of unified social credit code    

    Legal person registration certificate of social groups

    Business license

    Others ( )

    Certificate of public institution with legal person status

    Legal person registration certificate of foundations

    Organization code

    Undertaking by applicant:

    Certificate number of project legal entity

    Entity type

    Central  □ Municipal   □ District   □ Others

    Superior competent authority

    Sectors of national economy


    Legal representative

    Contact number

    Project leader

    Mobile telephone

    Authorized agent

    Mobile telephone

    1. The land ownership is clear, with boundary identified clearly and no disputes involved.

    2. The project under application conforms to the industry policies and falls within the List of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects; The project is not subject to special administrative measures for foreign investment access (negative list).

    3. The applicant agrees to pay the government’s land income based on the then policy and land price level.

    4. The applicant shall construct the project according to the working drawings and take the initiative to submit the completion drawings to the planning and natural resources authority after completing the project.

    5. The tree information such as ownership, specifications, quantity and location is clear and accurate and effective measure will be taken to ensure relocated trees keep alive and implement landscaping according to the approved planning.

    6. The applicant shall be liable for the substantive content and its authenticity submitted herein and bears corresponding legal liability thereof according to laws.

  2. Basic Information of Construction Project (Including Approval of Tree Cutting And Relocation & Application of Construction Permit)

    Project name

    Project code

    (not required for new project)

    Specific project

    Doing-Business project □ Major construction project □ Pilot project

    Simple and low-risk construction project

    Office  □ Commerce  □ Public service facilities   □ Warehouse  □ Workshop  □ Residence

    (□ One-storey house   □ Storied house)

    Is the workshop for labor-intensive production?

    Yes □ No

    Construction category

    New Project    □ Renovation and/or extension project    □ One-storey house in core area

    Project industry code

    Industrial restructuring guidance catalogue

    Project investment information (project approval by development and reform authorities, economy and information technology (IT) authorities)

    Total project investment (RMB 10,000)

    Source of project investment

    Private fixed assets investment

    State-owned holding enterprises

    Foreign investment

    Foreign investment


    (Lines may be added as required.)


    Proportion of foreign investment

    Does it involve dealing with project acknowledgement of domestic and foreign investment projects encouraged by the state?

    Yes □ No

    Registration and filing of the central departments in Beijing

    Total project investment (RMB 10,000)

    Source of funds


    Is it included in the summary table of construction project registration and filing for the current year by the superior competent authority

    Yes - fill in Document No.:

    No - Provide the letter of the application for construction project registration and filing for the current year

    Project implementation progress

    Scheduled commence date:


    Scheduled completion date:


    State-owned land/Property information

    Certificate (Document) name

    Certificate (Document) No.


    State-owned land that has been registered

    Property ownership certificate

    State-owned land use certificate

    Type and nature of rights indicated on the certificate

    Allocate  □ Transfer

    Do you have Beijing local coordinate results?

    Yes     □ No

    Having obtained land ownership

    State-owned construction land use right transfer contract

    State-owned construction land use right transfer contract (based on agreement)

    Letter of decision on allocation of state-owned construction land or allocation approval document

    Approval document on application for land expropriation and certificate of closing land expropriation (required if collectively owned land is expropriated)

    Do you have Beijing local coordinate results?

    Yes    □ No


    Already registered

    Real estate ownership certificate □ Housing ownership certificate

    Already permitted

    Construction project planning permit

    Construction location

    Doorplate number (address):

    No. XX                         XX Rd. (Str.)          XX District


    No. XX                         Township /village     XX District

    No doorplate number

    No. XX                         XX Rd. (Str.)          XX District


    No. XX                         Township /village     XX District

    Four-direction boundaries

    East to:

    South to:

    West to:

    North to:

    Single Buildings under the Current Application for Construction (Please Fill in One by One)

    Project nature of single building (the purpose of buildings)

    Number of single buildings

    Single building area (m2)

    Building height (m)

    Above ground

    Under ground

    Floor Space (m2)

    Number of Storeys

    Floor Space (m2)

    Number of Storeys

    (Lines may be added as required.)

    Category of energy saving standard

    Green building

    Yes □ No

    Assembled buildings

    Yes □ No


    (It is automatically generated based on the application in the system and the applicant needs checking and confirmation)

    Number of single buildings


    Gross floor area under this application (m2)

    Above-ground floor area (m2)

    Underground floor area (m2)

    Survey organization

    Project leader

    Contact number


    Project leader

    Contact number

    If the construction project is subject to approval of tree relocation and/or cutting, the application for tree relocation will be accepted at the same time.

    [If there is no way to bypass a tree, relocate the tree in principle; the applicant can apply to cut a tree which grows quickly and tall (with diameter at breast height (DBH) above 30cm), wither or are about to wither, and have no values and no conditions of relocation.]

    Ways to dispose of trees

    (Relocation and/or cutting)

    Tree species


    (DBH/cm or height/m)


    Tree location (Fill in the tree No. to be relocated and/or cut shown on the general layout plan)

    (Lines may be added as required)


    Opinion of the tree proprietor

    (If the tree proprietor and the applicant are not the same, the written opinion of the tree proprietor that is affixed with official seal is required.)

    Synchronous acceptance of the application for construction permit

    [Construction projects whose investment is below RMB 1 million or has a floor area of less than 300m2 (inclusive), it is not required to handle the construction permit]

    The builder

    Project leader

    Unified social credit code of the builder

    Qualification grade of the builder

    Work safety permit No.

    Validity period of work safety permit

    Construction period of contract


    Construction contract amount

    RMB 10,000

    Contractual documentation

    Construction contract


    Implement procuring according to law

    Directly handling of construction permit if no procuring is required by law.

    If a site inspector is employed, please fill in the relevant information as below:

    Construction inspection contract

    Signed □ No

    Implement procuring according to law

    Directly handling of construction permit if no procuring is required by law.

    Site inspector

    Project leader

    Unified social credit code of site inspector

    Contact information of project leader

    If no site inspector is employed for a construction project which is therefore self managed, the project owner shall be capable of construction project management and guarantee that it can independently assume the responsibility for project safety and quality.

    We have read and understood the foregoing and undertake to execute the relevant provisions as per requirements.

    The following needs to be filled in by the approver of the undertaking department

    Registration No. of quality supervision

    Filing No. of safety supervision

    Handling Stage

    Responsible authority

    Application matters

    Project Approval & Planning Permit Stage

    Development and reform authority

    Project filing

    Filing of Chinese-funded investment project □ Filing of foreign investment project

    Economy and IT authority

    Filing of enterprise investment project (falling under industry and information technology)

    Housing and urban-rural development authority

    Notice of registration and filing of construction projects in Beijing by the central government agency or military institution

    Engineering construction permit stage

    Planning and natural resources authority

    Planning permit

    Construction project planning permit (for simple and low-risk construction project with non-government investment)

    Gardening and greening authority

    Approval of tree relocation and/or cutting

    Construction project involves approval of urban green land and trees (construction project with non-government investment)

    Handling construction permit stage

    Housing and urban-rural development authority

    Construction permit

    New application for housing construction permit

    Synchronous acceptance of application for municipal public utilities access and installation


    Mobile telephone

    Installation application

    User’s needs

    Starting and ending points for access to utility

    Pipeline length (m)

    Water supply

    Maximum daily water consumption: Ton

    Water drainage

    Maximum daily water drainage Ton

    Electric power

    Capacity of power consumption Kw

    Fuel gas

    Total load of gas equipment m3/hour

    1. Matters under Application (Including Synchronous Acceptance of Project Filing, Tree Relocation and/Or Cutting Approval, Construction Permit and Application for Municipal Public Utilities Access and Installation)

  3. Application Materials

  1. Application Form for Handling of Construction Project (“One-Form” Acceptance for Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects with Non-government Investment(Form SJ-123)(one original);

  2. Power of Attorney of Legal Representative for Construction Project (one original) and ID Card of authorized agent (one copy of ID Card, both front and back side)

  3. Official Letter of Application for Construction of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Project (One original);

[The application documents shall include the name, No., type of rights and nature of rights of the land registration (property ownership) certificate; the documents that prove the compliance with industry policy, Industrial Restructuring Guidance Catalogueand the Beijing Catalogue of Prohibited and Restricted New and Additional Industriesand the list of simple and low-risk construction projects; the engineering type, project category and location, nature of each single building (architectural nature), construction scale, building height etc. of simple and low-risk construction projects; if the construction projects are subject to approval of tree relocation and/or cutting, it is required to identify how to deal with the trees, tree species, specifications, quantity and location (marking tree location and No. on the general layout plan), and opinions of tree owners etc., as well as the written undertaking that they guarantee that effective measure will be taken to ensure relocated trees keep alive and implement the landscaping according to the approved planning.]

  1. One set of design drawings issued by a qualified designer (attached with one copy of the corresponding general layout plan)

[for drawing requirements, please see the Guidelines for Application for Construction Engineering Planning Design and Technological Documents(SGHGTF [2018] No. 87); if the project is subject to approval of tree relocation and/or cutting, mark tree location and No. on the general layout plan]

  1. For one-storey house located in core areas, the existing house measurement report shall be submitted (One original);

  2. To handle Notice of Registration and Filing of Construction Projects in Beijing by the Central Government Agency and Military Institution, the following are required to be submitted:

  1. For construction projects which are included in the summary table of construction project registration and filing for the current year, fill in the Document No in the application form (no scanned copy is required). For construction projects which are not included in the summary table of construction project registration and filing for the current year, provide the letter of registration and filing of construction projects issued by the competent authority of the project owner for the current year (one scanned copy of the original and no hard copy is required);

  2. For construction projects which resort to consulting service provided through “Integration of Multiple Plans” collaboration platform, it is required to submit construction project preliminary review opinion letter, construction project consultation opinion letter or planning comprehensive implementation plan; for in-process projects, it is required to submit construction project design plan review opinions (one scanned copy of the original and no hard copy is required);

  3. Project approval document issued by the competent authority of the project owner (project proposal, feasibility study report, engineering design task of construction projects of military institution, engineering construction annual plan or other documents for the current year related to project examination, approval and filing for the current year) (one scanned copy of the original and no hard copy is required);

  1. To deal with construction permit, it is required to submit:

  1. Construction contract (For projects that are required for procuring according to laws, notification of award shall be uploaded) (the scanned copy of the original and no hard copy is required);

  2. Legal person commitment for construction project (the scanned copy of the original and no hard copy is required).

  1. Instructions on Filling in Form (including delivery service information)

The form applies to “One-Form” acceptance for new, renovation and extension projects on the state-owned land that fall under simple and low-risk construction projects with non-government investment. Project filing, planning permit (including approval of tree relocation and/or cutting) and construction permit can be combined. This application form is subject to dynamic adjustment based on actual situation.

  1. The form consists of such five parts as basic information of the applicant, basic information of the construction project (including approval of tree relocation and/or cutting and application for construction permit), matters under application (synchronous acceptance of project filing, approval of tree relocation and/or cutting, construction permit and application for municipal public utilities access and installation), application materials and instructions on completing the application form (including delivery service information). The application form shall be completed in full accurately. The matters involved shall be checked “√”, with relevant information specified; the matters not involved shall be crossed “×”; the official seal shall be affixed in a clear manner.  

  2. Land registration (ownership) entity, i.e., the project legal entity is required to provide full name of the entity as per the relevant certificate (license), in addition to affixing the official seal of the entity. Fill in the type and No. of certificate and/or licenses, entity type, legal representative, project leader of the project legal entity and its superior competent authority etc., and provide its industry classification and sector as per the classification standard for the Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities (GB/T4754-2017); provide the name and mobile phone number of the authorized agent in accordance with the Power of Attorney of Legal Representative for Construction Project.

The applicant shall honor its commitment by ensuring that the land ownership is clear, with boundary identified clearly and no disputes involved; the project under application conforms to the industry policies and falls within the List of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Projects; the project is not subject to special administrative measures for foreign investment access (negative list); the applicant agrees to pay the government’s land income based on the then policy and land price level; The applicant shall construct the project according to the working drawings and take the initiative to submit the completion drawings to the planning and natural resources authority after completing the project; The tree information such as ownership, specifications, quantity and location is clear and accurate and effective measure will be taken to ensure relocated trees keep alive and implement the landscaping according to the approved planning; the applicant shall be liable for the substantive content and its authenticity submitted herein and bears corresponding legal liability thereof according to laws.  

  1. The basic information of construction projects contain project name, type of simple and low-risk construction project, construction category, project industry code, Industrial Restructuring Guidance Catalogue, project investment information, project investment amount and construction progress etc.; include the state-owned land/house information, project location (tick “Doorplate number” or “No doorplate number”, and fill the relevant information), project nature of single building (architectural nature), construction scale, building height etc.; If the construction project is subject to approval of tree relocation and/or cutting, the application for tree relocation will be accepted at the same time (if the tree proprietor and the applicant are not the same, the written opinion of the tree proprietor that is affixed with official seal is required.); it also includes the relevant information of the builder shown on the construction permit and the construction contract; and include such information as the name and project leader of the project surveying organization, designer, builder and site inspector.

  2. Depending on the conditions of the construction projects, tick the matters under “One-Form” application, including project filing, planning permit, approval of trees relocation and/or cutting and construction permit, and fill in the application for municipal public utilities access and installation.

  3. Please specify the results delivery means.

(The housing and urban-rural development authority deals with theNotice of Registration and Filing of Construction Projects in Beijing by the Central Government Agency and Military Institutionand the Construction Permit all online and thus upload the electronic version of the permit/certificate through the service system and the applicant may download and print for their use).

Results delivery means □ Delivery at service window □ By mailing

If you choose to deliver by mailing, fill in the following information:


Authorized agent

Mobile telephone

Postal code

Recipient office:

Fixed-line telephone

Area code

Phone number

Extension number


Mailing address



Administrative district

No. XX                         XX Rd. (Str.)


Beijing Municipality


Application Form for Handling of Construction Project

(“One-Form” Acceptance for Simple and Low-Risk Construction Project with Non-government Investment)

  1. Basic Information of Applicant           Form for Rural Area SJ-12  


(official seal)

Undertaking by applicant:

  1. The land ownership is clear, with boundary identified clearly and no disputes involved.

  2. The project under application conforms to the industry policies.

  3. The applicant agrees to pay the government’s land income based on the then policy and land price level.

  4. The applicant shall construct the project according to the working drawings and take the initiative to submit the completion drawings to the planning and natural resources authority after completing the project.

  5. The applicant shall take measures to ensure relocated trees will be alive and implement the landscaping according to the planning approval.

  6. The applicant shall be liable for the substantive content and its authenticity submitted herein and bears corresponding legal liability thereof according to laws.

Type of certificates

Certificate of unified social credit code

Legal person registration certificate of social groups

Business license

Certificate of public institution with legal person status

Legal person registration certificate of foundations

Others ( )

Credit code

Entity type

Municipal level   □ District level    □ Others

Superior competent authority

Sectors of national economy


Legal representative

Project leader

Authorized agent

Mobile telephone

ID Card

Please Fill out Delivery Service Information (Required)


Authorized agent

Mobile telephone

Postal code

Name of destination

Fixed-line telephone

Area code

Phone number

Extension number


Address of destination



Administrative district

Beijing Municipality


No.xx                         Rd (Str.)

  1. Basic Information of Project

Project name

Project type

Office building □ Commercial building □ Public service facilities □ Common warehouse

Common workshop

Industry code of project

Total project investment

RMB 10,000

Project implementation progress

Scheduled commence date:


Scheduled completion date:


Information on collectively owned land registration

Certificate (Document) name

Certificate (Document) No.

Land registration has been completed

Land registration was completed after January 1, 2008

Property ownership certificate

Certificate of collectively owned land

Certificate of use of collectively owned construction land

Land registration was completed before January 1, 2008

Certificate of collectively owned land

Certificate of use of collectively owned construction land

Do you have Beijing local coordinate results?

Yes □ No

Land registration has not been completed

Approval of construction on collectively owned land

Approval of occupying collectively owned land

Supporting documents of approve the occupation of collectively owned land in district, township (commune) or village (group)

If the construction land has been permitted for circulation and transfer, the document on approval of land circulation and transfer, land transfer contract and others are required.  

Relevant documents of confirmed ownership of collectively owned construction land

Do you have Beijing local coordinate results?

Yes □ No

Construction location

No. XX                         XX Rd. (Str.)            XX District


No. XX                         Township /village         XX District

Four-direction boundaries

(No doorplate number)

East to:

West to:

Construction components

(Architectural nature)

Construction scale (m2)

Total floor space

Above-ground floor area

(For limited scale of various buildings, see the list of simple and low-risk projects)

Under-ground floor area

Building height (m)


Others (structures, ancillary facilities etc.)

Survey organization

Project leader

Contact number


Project leader

Contact number

If the project construction involves cutting and relocating trees, the applicant shall fill in the application for tree relocation and/or cutting.

[If there is no way to bypass a tree, relocate the tree in principle; the applicant can apply to cut a tree which grows quickly and tall (with diameter at breast height (DBH) above 30cm), wither or are about to wither, and have no values of relocation.]

Type of trees to be relocated and/or cut (relocate; cut)

Tree species




Tree location

(Indicate the tree No. to be relocated and/or cut shown on the general layout plan)



Opinion of the tree proprietor

(If the tree proprietor and the applicant are not the same, the written opinion of the tree proprietor that is affixed with official seal is required.)

  1. Matters under Application (Synchronous Acceptance of Project Filing, Tree Cutting and/or Relocation Permit, and Application for Municipal Public Utilities Access and Installation)

Handling stage

Responsible authority

Application matters

Project approval & planning permit stage

Development and reform authority

Project filing

Filing of enterprise investment project

Economy and IT authority

Filing of enterprise investment project (falling under industry and information technology)

Engineering construction

Planning and natural resources authority

Construction project permit

Rural construction planning permit (including temporary ones) (simple and low-risk project with non-government investment)

Dealing with permit stage

Gardening and greening authority

Tree cutting and/or relocation permit

Tree Relocation Approval (Project with non-government investment)

Tree Cutting Approval (Examination) (Project with non-government investment)

Matters under SynchronousApplication and Acceptance

Application for small municipal public utility access and installation


Mobile telephone

Installation application

User’s needs

Starting and ending points for access to utility

Pipeline length (m)

Water supply

Maximum daily water consumption: Ton

Water drainage

Maximum daily water drainage Ton

Electric power

Capacity of power consumption kW

Fuel gas

Total load of gas equipment kW

  1. Application Materials

  1. Application Form for Handling of Construction Project (Form SJ-2) (one original);

  2. Power of Attorney of Legal Representative for Construction Project (one original) and ID Card of the authorized agent (verify and keep one copy when submitting application through service window);

  3. Official Letter of Application for Construction of Simple and Low-Risk Construction Project (One original);

[The application documents shall include the name, number and other basic information of the land ownership certificate that has been obtained as well as the construction location, construction components (architectural nature) and construction scale of the simple and low-risk construction project under application; if the project involves tree cutting and/or relocation, the applicant shall fill the application for tree cutting and/or relocation, and provide types, species, specifications, quantities and locations (mark No. of tree location to be cut and relocated on the general layout plan) as well as the opinion of the tree proprietor; in addition, the applicant shall make a written undertaking to ensure relocated trees will be kept alive and implement the landscaping according to the approved planning].

  1. One set of design drawings, attached with one copy of the corresponding general layout plan;

[For drawings requirements, see the Guidelines for Application for Construction Engineering Planning Design and Technological Documents (SGHGTF [2018] No.87); if the project construction involves cutting and relocating trees, the applicant shall mark the location and No. of the trees to be cut and relocated on the General Layout Plan].

  1. The construction projects on the collectively owned land shall be discussed and agreed on at the villagers’ meeting, plus the opinions given by the villagers’ committee (one original);

  2. For projects which have not obtained approval documents for construction on collectively owned land, when applying for rural construction planning permit, the applicant shall submit Construction Project Land Survey Report (one original).

  1. Notification [Instructions on Filling in Form]

This form shall apply to the new simple and low-risk construction projects with non-government investment on collectively owned land within the administrative area of the Municipality. This application form is subject to dynamic adjustment based on actual situation.

Implementation of “One-Form” application and acceptance. When applying for the construction project planning permit, the project owner shall fill in the Application Form for Construction Project Planning Permit Stage (including the construction project filing, permit for cutting and/or removing trees, and application for access to municipal public facilities).

If a construction project needs to install and access to small municipal public utilities, a “Three-Zero” service with zero door-to-door, zero approval and zero investment will be implemented. The project owner is not required to go through any administrative licensing procedures, and municipal public utility enterprises such as water supply, drainage, power supply and fuel gas supply will deal with all these procedures.

Scope of “Three-Zero” service:

  1. Water supply: The diameter of the connecting water pipe shall not be more than 4cm.

  2. Water drainage: The daily drainage shall not be more than 50 tons, and the diameter of the connecting water pipe shall not be more than 50cm.

  3. Electric power: The voltage shall be below 10kV (exclusive), the needed capacity shall not be more than 160kW, and the pipeline length shall not be more than 150m.

  4. Fuel gas: Design pressure is below 10kPa (exclusive) and the diameter and length of pipeline is no greater than 10cm and 200m respectively.

  1. The form consists of such five parts as basic information of the applicant (including delivery service information), basic information of the construction project (including application for tree relocation/cutting), matters under application (including the matters under synchronous application and acceptance), application materials and notification (instructions on filling in form). The application form shall be completed in full accurately. The matters involved shall be checked “√”, with relevant information specified; the matters not involved shall be crossed "×"; the content of the matters under application in the form must be provided and fill “None” for the content not involved.

  2. The applicant shall fill in its full official name and affix its official seal; fill in its credit code and its superior competent authority, and provide its industry classification and sector as per the classification standard for the Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities (GB/T4754-2017) and select proper entity type; provide the name, ID Card No. and mobile phone No. of the legal representative or the authorized agent. Please fill out delivery service information (required).

In order to handle the procedures for construction projects, the legal representative of the project shall issue a Power of Attorney of Legal Representative for Construction Project, providing the name, ID Card No. and mobile phone No. of the authorized agent and making clear the scope of authorization for the project, including without limitation to project name, construction location, affairs under authorization and period of authorization. The authorization organization shall bear the legal liability for related matters handled by the authorized agent according to laws, regulations, ordinances and other provisions to the extent of the period and authority of agency.

When submitting application documents to the service window in the government service hall, the authorized agent shall submit the original of his resident identity card, and the staff of the service window shall check and keep one copy of ID Card. The applicant shall honor its commitment by ensuring that the land ownership is clear, with boundary identified clearly and no disputes involved; the project under application conforms to the industry policies; the applicant agrees to pay the government’s land income based on the then policy and land price level; the applicant shall construct the project according to the working drawings and take the initiative to submit the completion drawings to the planning and natural resources authority after completing the project; the tree information such as ownership, specifications, quantity and location is clear and accurate and effective measure will be taken to ensure relocated trees keep alive and implement the landscaping according to the approved planning; the applicant shall be liable for the substantive content and its authenticity submitted herein and bears corresponding legal liability thereof according to laws.  

  1. The applicant shall provide basic information on the construction project, including project name, type, industry code, investment amount, construction schedule, land ownership, construction components (architectural nature), construction location and scale and so on. The land ownership shall be clear, with boundary identified clearly and no disputes involved. For the land registration (ownership), the applicant shall tick the item that the land has been registered or not; if the land is already registered, please specify that the registration is done before or after January 1, 2008 and indicate the type and No. of the land registration certificate; if the land is not registered yet, please indicate the relevant certificate No. and tick the item of Beijing local coordinate result accordingly. Fill in the name of the drawing designers and its project leader. If the project involves tree cutting and/or relocation, the applicant shall provide tree types, species, specifications, quantities and locations, as well as the opinion of the tree proprietor. When the tree proprietor and the applicant are not the same, the applicant shall provide the tree proprietor’s opinions and affix the official seal.

The applicant shall commission a qualified designer to perform project design, and the design documents and drawings provided by the design institution shall comply with the related laws, regulations, by-laws, specifications and technical standards, and the design institution shall be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and legality of related contents, and bear corresponding legal liability thereof according to laws.

  1. The “One-Form” application and acceptance mode will be implemented for filing, construction project permit, tree cutting and/or relocation permit, and application for public utilities access and installation in relation to simple and low-risk construction projects. The applicant shall file the project based on the situation of the construction project at the project approval and planning permit stage. Tick the option of “Filing of enterprise investment project” if the filing are under the authority of the municipal development and reform authority, and select the option of “Filing of enterprise investment project (falling under industry and information technology investment” if the filing is under the authority of economy and information technology. If the construction project involves tree cutting and/or relocation, the applicant shall tick the “Tree Relocation Approval” or “Tree Cutting Approval” set by the gardening and landscaping authority. The service for small municipal public utilities access and installation will be provided for simple and low-risk project with non-government investment, in addition to “Three-Zero” service including “zero door-to-door, zero approval, and zero investment”. If “Three-Zero” service conditions are met, project owners need not to go through any administrative licensing procedures and the municipal public utility enterprises such as water supply, drainage and power supply will deal with all the procedures. The applicant shall tick application matters, indicate the user demand, starting point and ending point for access to public utilities as well as the pipeline length. Also, the applicant shall provide the contact person for the installation and his mobile phone number.

Application Form for Handling of Construction Project

One-Form” Acceptance for Simple and Low-Risk Construction Project with Non-government Investment - Engineering Construction Permit Stage

  1. Basic Information on (Co-)owners of Property     Table SJ-2

    Handled by co-owners of property in person

    (Co-)owners of property (signature and seal)

    ID Card No.

    Contact number

    Name, ID Card No., signature and seal of other (co-)owners of property

    Undertaking by (co-)owners of property

    Handled by agent

    Notary Certificate No.

    Notary public office

    Authorized agent

    (Signature & seal)

    ID Card No.

    Contact number

    Please fill out delivery service information (required)


    (Property owner or authorized agent)

    Mobile telephone

    Postal code

    Property owner

    Fixed-line telephone

    Area code

    Phone number

    Extension number


    Delivery address



    Administrative district

    No. XX                         XX Rd. (Str.)

    Beijing Municipality


    Information of the existing one-storey house

    Information shown on property ownership certificate

    Property ownership registration certificate

    Property ownership certificate

    Housing ownership certificate

    Certificate No.

    House purpose (architecture nature)

    House floor area (m2)

    House location (construction location)

    No.          District  


    Sub-district Office

    The existing house measurement report

    No. of the existing house measurement report

    Measured area (m2)

    House No.


    Measured area

    Measured height (m)

    Cornice height

    Roof ridge height


    Surveying and mapping organization

    Contact number

    Application for construction

    Construction components (purpose)

    Gross floor area (m2)


    Contact number

    If the construction project is subject to approval of tree relocation and/or cutting, the application for tree relocation and/or cutting will be accepted at the same time.

    [If there is no way to bypass a tree, relocate the tree in principle; the applicant can apply to cut a tree which grows quickly and tall (with diameter at breast height (DBH) above 30cm), wither or are about to wither, and have no values of relocation.]

    Ways to dispose of trees (relocate or cut tree)

    Tree species


    (DBH/cm or height/m)


    Tree location

    (Indicate the tree No. to be relocated and/or cut shown on the general layout plan)



    Opinion of the tree proprietor

    (If the tree proprietor and the applicant are not the same, the written opinion of the tree proprietor that is affixed with official seal is required.)

    Handling Stage

    Responsible authority

    Application matters

    Engineering construction permit stage

    Planning and natural resources authority

    Construction project permit

    Construction project planning permit (reconstruction of privately owned one-storey house according to original address and floor area in urban area)

    Gardening and greening authority

    Approval of tree relocation/cutting

    Construction project involves approval of urban green land and trees (construction project with non-government investment)

    1. Matters under Application (Synchronous Acceptance of Application for Tree Relocation and/or Cutting)

    2. Basic Information on Reconstruction of Privately-Owned One-Storey House According to Original Address and Floor Area (Except for Those with Shared Walls and Linked Ridges)

    3. The property ownership and the right to use the land which the property is built on are clear with no disputes; the property is not under mortgage, seizure or disputed registration and other restrictions;

    4. For privately owned one-storey houses, the construction shall be on original location as per the original nature, area, structure and height shown on the property ownership certificate.

    5. The applicant is liable for the substantive content and its authenticity submitted herein and bears corresponding legal liability thereof according to laws.

  2. Application Materials

When filing application through a service window, the applicant is required to present original copy of Property Ownership Certificateor Housing Ownership Certificate. When accepting the application, the personnel at service window will check the original of the certificate and keep one photocopy before returning it to the applicant.

  1. Application Form for Handling of Construction Project [Table SJ-2-(2)] which is fully completed by (co-)owners of property with the personal seal affixed (one original) and ID Card of (co-)owners of property (When accepting the application, the personnel at service window will check the original of the certificate and keep one photocopy before returning it to the applicant. All (co-)owners shall be present in person.);

  2. In case that any of (co-)owners cannot be present in person, a notarial certificate shall be obtained from public notary and submitted together with ID Card of the authorized agent (When accepting the application, the personnel at service window will check the original of the certificate and keep one photocopy);

  3. Application form for reconstruction of privately-owned one-storey house according to original address and floor area to be submitted by (co-)owners of property (one original);

[The application for building a house shall provide basic information on the reconstruction of privately-owned one-storey house according to original address and floor area, location (doorplate number), information on (co-)owners of property, name and No. of house registration certificate, house purpose (architectural nature), floor area and sub-districts in which they are located etc.; house No., floor area, cornice height, roof ridge height etc. shown on the survey map; construction components (architectural nature), gross floor area and so on under application]

  1. The existing house measurement report issued by a qualified surveying and mapping department (one original);

  2. Design drawings:

  1. No design drawings are required in case of a house with a span of less than 6m (inclusive);

  2. One set of design drawings issued by a qualified designer is required for a house with a span of greater than 6m (attached with one copy of the corresponding general layout plan).

[Design drawings include: (i) The design drawings shall include one copy of a list of drawings, design description, general layout plan, plans of all floors, elevations in all directions, cutaway view of all major parts, foundation plan and foundation cutaway view each; (ii) the drawings shall be blueprint drawing, folded longitudinally into A4 size and bound; (iii) the list of drawings, design description and general layout shall be affixed with the designer’s “Special Seal for Drawing Approval”, “Seal of Registered Architect Qualification” and “Seal of Registered Structure Engineer Qualification ”. Please check the Guidelines for Application for Construction Engineering Planning Design and Technological Documents(SGHGTF [2018] No. 87) for detailed requirements fro design drawings;

  1. Notification [Instructions on Filling in Form]

The table applies to “One-Form” acceptance of reconstruction of co-owned privately owned one-storey house according to original address and floor area in urban area. This application form is subject to dynamic adjustment based on actual situation.

  1. The form consists of such five parts as basic information of the co-owners of property (including delivery service information), basic information of the reconstruction of the privately-owned one-storey house according to original address and floor area (including application for approval of tree relocation and/or cutting), matters under application (synchronous acceptance of application for tree relocation and/or cutting), application materials and notification (instructions on filling in form). The application form shall be completed in full accurately. The matters involved shall be checked “√”, with relevant information specified; the matters not involved shall be crossed “×”; the content of the matters under application in the form must be provided and fill “None” for the content not involved. The personal seal affixed on the application form shall be clear and neat.

  2. (Co-)owners of house shown on the house registration certificate are all the owners of property and all of the co-owners are required to provide their ID Card No. and telephone number and affix their respective personal seal and be present in person. In case that any of co-owners cannot be present in person, a notarial certificate shall be obtained from public notary, indicating the name, ID Card No., telephone number and the commissioned matters of the authorized agent etc…In case that an authorized agent is appointed, the (co-)owners of property shall bear the legal liability for related matters handled by the authorized agent according to laws, regulations, ordinances and other provisions to the extent of the period and authority of agency.

When submitting application documents to the service window in the government service hall, the (co-)owners or their authorized agent shall submit the original of his resident ID Card, and the staff of the service window shall check the original certificate and keep one photocopy. The (co-)owners shall honor their commitment by ensuring that the ownership of house and the right to use land where the house is built on are clear with no disputes; the property is not under mortgage, seizure or disputed registration and other restrictions; for privately owned one-storey houses, the construction shall be on original location as per the original nature, area, structure and height shown on the property ownership certificate. the (co-)owners shall be liable for the substantive content and its authenticity submitted herein and bears corresponding legal liability thereof according to laws.  

  1. The basic information of the reconstruction of the privately-owned one-storey house according to original address and floor area include type and No. of the registration certificate of the existing houses, the house purpose (architectural nature), floor area, location and the sub-district in which they are located specified on the property ownership certificate; No. of the existing house measurement report, house No., measured area and height etc. as well as the name of surveying and mapping organization and their telephone number etc.; the construction components (house use purpose), gross floor area and so on. If design drawings are required, the names of designer and their project leader must be provided.

If the construction project is subject to tree-cutting/relocating approval, fill in such an application, indicating way to dispose of the trees, species, specifications, quantity, location, opinions of tree proprietor; if the tree proprietor and the applicant are not the same, the written opinion of the tree proprietor that is affixed with official seal is required.

  1. For simple and low-risk projects, “One-Form” application and acceptance are adopted. When (co-)owners of property apply for the construction project planning permit, “One-Form” acceptance of construction project permit and application for tree-cutting/relocating approval. For construction project permit, tick “Construction project planning permit (reconstruction of privately owned one-storey house according to original address and floor area in urban area)”; if the project is subject to tree-cutting/relocating approval, tick “Construction project involves approval of urban green land and tree” under the of gardening and greening authority.
