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The 1st Statistical Inspection Team of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics 2024 stationed in the Commission for Inspection

  • Release Date:05 18,2024 09:55
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According to the Implementing Opinions of Beijing Municipality on Enhancing Statistical Supervision and the Beijing Municipal Measures for Preventing and Penalizing Statistical Misrepresentation, approved by the Municipal Party Committee and Government, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics (the “Bureau”) commenced its annual statistical inspection for 2024. An inspection team has officially stationed at the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources. On April 22, a meeting was held between the inspection team and the Commission to coordinate the statistical inspection. Li Sufang, the Party Secretary of the Bureau, outlined the inspection objectives and requirements, while Zhang Wei, Party Secretary and Director-General of the Commission, presided over the meeting and made remarks. Chen Shaoqiong, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Commission and its Deputy Director, delivered a report.

Li Sufang emphasized the significant attention given to statistical work by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council since the 18th Party Congress. General Secretary Xi Jinping has delivered numerous speeches and instructions on statistical work, highlighting its importance in preventing fraud, enhancing data quality, and fostering high-quality development. Conducting statistical inspections is a concrete step in implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era. It addresses feedback issues raised by national statistical inspectors and aligns with the directives of the municipal party committee and government, facilitating effective decision-making and deployment of statistical work.

She emphasized that departmental statistics are integral to government statistics, encompassing a broad spectrum of content crucial for macroeconomic control, industrial management, and policy formulation. Statistical inspections serve as a pivotal measure to reinforce the accountability of departments at all levels in preventing and combating fraud. Departments must acknowledge the importance of statistics in implementing the directives of the CPC Central Committee. Various departments must recognize the significance of excelling in departmental statistics, as it’s intrinsic to fulfilling their duties and responsibilities, and engage in an effective approach to contribute to Beijing’s high-quality development.

Zhang Wei outlined three key points. Firstly, he stressed the importance of elevating the political stance and understanding the significance of statistical inspections. The entire system should meticulously study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s directives on statistical work, align with the decisions and directives of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and perceive the inspection as an evaluation of the Commission’s statistical endeavors. Secondly, he emphasized the need to earnestly adhere to the inspection requirements and offer full cooperation. Enhancing the work mechanism to meet inspection standards, maintaining a proactive approach, and diligently fulfilling the inspection team’s directives are essential. Thirdly, Zhang highlighted the importance of assuming responsibility and effectively addressing rectification issues. Through rigorous introspection, thorough analysis, and robust self-correction, the Commission must diligently address the concerns raised by the inspection team and implement comprehensive rectification measures. By leveraging this inspection as an opportunity, the Commission aims to translate rectification efforts into tangible improvements, reinforce long-term mechanisms, and advance the capital’s agenda for high-quality development.

The inspection team will conduct a thorough statistical examination of the Commission through various means. This includes engaging in discussions and dialogues with pertinent leaders and statisticians, reviewing documents and information, administering surveys, and conducting extended inspections.

Zhang Tiejun, the executive deputy head of the inspection team, along with all team members, relevant officials from the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group stationed at the Commission, and responsible individuals from various branches, offices, and units of the Commission, attended the meeting.

Please note that reports regarding statistical fraud or falsification issues can be made via the following channels: telephone line at (010) 50976608, report mailbox situated at No. 1 Courtyard, Cheng’an Road, Tongzhou District, Building 1, First Floor Hall of the Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Commission, and report email at 202401tjdc@tjj.beijing.gov.cn. The period for report acceptance is from April 22, 2024, to April 25, 2024, during the hours of 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00 each day.

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