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Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on Certification Renewal of Construction Drawing Review Agencies

  • Release Date:01 11,2022 10:03
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As per provisions of the “Management Measures for Review of Construction Drawing Design Documents for Housing Construction and Municipal Infrastructure Projects” (MOHURD Order No. 13), and Beijing’s requirement in optimizing business environment and reforming the engineering construction approval system, the Commission has renewed the certification of some construction drawing review agencies. Please see below for details:

I. Certification is renewed for agencies in Beijing reviewing municipal infrastructure projects, rail transit projects, and geotechnical engineering surveys. The renewed certification shall be valid from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023. The certification renewal applies to agencies listed below:

(I) Municipal infrastructure projects:

1. Zhongjing Tonghe International Engineering Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

2. Beijing Jianyuan Jingcheng Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

3. Beijing Zhongxun International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

(II) Rail transit projects:

1. Beijing Chengjian Xinjie Rail Transit Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

2. Beijing Tiezhuanyuan Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

(III) Geotechnical engineering surveys

1. Beijing Bokai Jun’an Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

2. Zhongkan Sanjia Engineering Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

II. The certification period for 5 review agencies of housing construction drawing is renewed by 1 year, with a valid period until December 31, 2022. Below is a list of these 5 agencies:

1. Zhongshe Antai (Beijing) Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

2. Zhongjing Tonghe International Engineering Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

3. Jianyan Hanggui Beigong (Beijing) Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

4. Beijing Jianyuan Jingcheng Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

5. Beijing Guobiao Zhutu Engineering Design Consulting Co., Ltd.

The above is hereby notified.


Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources

December 30, 2021

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